Hi there! I'm Sve, a freelance artist from the southwest US. I specialize in digital illustration/design, and alongside posting my art online, I love being involved in fandom communities.An ongoing list of projects I have contributed to:

TitleFandomYearSocial Media
DESTINY ZineWings of Fire2020@destinywofzine
Shadow Prince ZineFire Emblem2021@InvincibleZine
Inheritors of Jugdral ZineFire Emblem2021@JugdralFanbook
Xenoblade 3 CountdownXenoblade


What programs/brushes do you use?

I primarily use Clip Studio Paint Pro to draw, but also use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator (for design), and After Effects (for animation or video editing) from time to time. My drawing tablet is a Wacom Intuos Pro M.CSP's default watercolor and gouche brushes are what I use the most for lineart and coloring. For lineart specifically, I like to switch on both "color jitter" options for extra effect.

Are your commissions open?

I announce commission openings sporadically and via posts on my Twitter account. My status can always be found in my bio, and my prices can be found on my website or on Trello; please refer to these two sites for relevant information regarding commissions.

Can I edit/repost your art on Tumblr/Pinterest/etc?

Please do NOT edit or reupload my work anywhere without my permission, even if you plan to provide proper credit. You are welcome to use my art (provided that it is not a commissioned piece belonging to someone else) as an icon/header/wallpaper/etc, however - but please do credit me!

Any plans to sell prints/merch?

This is absolutely something I'd love to do in the future. I have little experience regarding handling and selling my own merch at the moment, but am actively looking for opportunities to learn more!